Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Roaring Good Time

Pelican meets a strange new animal in the jungle, but gets hippopotamuses name wrong when he goes to spread the news in the jungle of his arrival. Hippopotamus will have several funny belly laughing names by the time elephant hears of this strange new animal. Snarlyhissopus By Alan MacDonald will make your sides hurt.

One morning all the animals in the jungle wake to find that they have the wrong voices. Rooster roars like a lion, Elephant hisses like a snake, and Snake squawks like a parrot! You won't forget the book, The Giraffe who Cock-a-Doodle-Doo'd By Keith Faulkner.

Smiley Shark loves to smile, but everyone is afraid of his big sharp teeth. When all his fish friends are caught in a net though, they need Smiley Shark's help and a big smile might just be the answer. Smiley Shark By Ruth Galloway.

As the sun was setting over the rain forest, the little bug yawned. That made the parrot yawn. And that made the snake yawn. Who will yawn next...? Read, The Big Yawn By Keith Faulkner, to find out.

I will have new picture books for story time next week (Tuesday, April 26th), so join us for books, giggles, and crafts!



Elizabeth Bennett said...

Hi Carol -- thanks so much for including two of our books (Smiley Shark and Snarlyhissopus) in your post. We are posting a link to your blog on our facebook page. Are you a fan yet?
Happy Reading,
Elizabeth Bennett
tiger tales

Diana said...

Thanks Elizabeth, the children loved the silly names and story plot in Snarlyhissopus, and they were captivated with the pictures in Smiley Shark. Thanks for the post and the facebook connection!
