Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A is for Alligator

My upcoming storytime will feature books about alligators and crocodiles. These books are a favorite with the kids.

Mama Don't Allow by Thatcher Hurd is a fun romp through the swamp with Miles on the saxaphone. A boat load of yellow-eyed alligators want him to play for the Alligator Ball. And play it loud! The kids love to chime in with the Swamp Band singing "Mama Don't Allow No Music Playin' 'Round Here!".

What a great book. A Girl and Her Gator by Sean Bryan is a delightful follow up to A Boy and His Bunny. This book joyfully shows kids that being different can be all right and even fun.

This title is one I use throughout the year especially when I am demonstrating good books to use for Early Literacy workshops. It has great rhymes, patterns and vocabulary. Try A Frog in the Bog by Karma Wilson.
Along with these stories I will be doing a fun magnet board story called The Lady with the Alligator Purse. I use printed clip art to represent the characters and objects in the story and attach a magnet on the back.
Here it is:
Miss Lucy had a baby,
his name was tiny Tim.
She put him in the bathtub
to see if he could swim.
He drank up all the water
and he ate up all the soap.
He tried to eat the bathtub
but it wouldn't go down his throat.
Miss Lucy called the doctor,
Miss Lucy called the nurse,
Miss Lucy called the Lady with the alligator purse.
Mumps said the doctor,
Measles said the nurse,
Hiccups said the lady with the alligator purse.
Out went the doctor,
Out went the nurse,
Out went the lady with the alligator purse.

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